Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Microsoft SharePoint 2007 - Stsadm extensions

"The branding tool is out. What next? How about an stsadm tool for themes?"

After a search on google, it seems Gary Lapointe has beat me to it:

He's created a very useful list of stsadm extended commands found here.

The source code can be downloaded here:

The installation file can be downloaded here:

Here's a listing of the additional commands:

  1. createquotatemplate

  2. editquotatemplate

  3. setmastersitedirectory

  4. setallowaccesstoonlinegallery

  5. disableuserpermissionforwebapp

  6. enableuserpermissionforwebapp

  7. setselfservicesitecreation

  8. connecttoportalsite

  9. setsitegeneralsettings

  10. setuserprofiledefaultaccessaccount

  11. setuserprofileimportschedule

  12. gen2003to2007profilepropertymap

  13. migrate2003profilesto2007

  14. setpictureurlnewpath

  15. setsitenamingformat (use mysitesettings instead)

  16. enuminstalledsitetemplates

  17. enumavailablesitetemplates

  18. addavailablesitetemplate

  19. removeavailablesitetemplate

  20. enumnavigation

  21. addnavigationnode

  22. setnavigationnodes

  23. copynavigation

  24. enumfeatures

  25. copycontenttypes

  26. enumavailablepagelayouts

  27. fixpublishingpagespagelayouturl

  28. repairsitecollectionimportedfromsubsite

  29. convertsubsitetositecollection

  30. setsitedirectoryscanviewurls

  31. enumtimerjobdefinitions

  32. exportlist

  33. importlist

  34. copylist

  35. getlistschemaxml

  36. enumunghostedfiles

  37. reghostfile

  38. deletelistfield

  39. moveweb

  40. managecontentdbsettings

  41. addsiteadmin

  42. deleteweb2

  43. mysitesettings

  44. upgrade2

  45. enumpagewebparts

  46. movewebpart

  47. setwebpartstate

  48. retargetcontentquerywebpart

  49. replacefieldvalues

  50. applyupgradeareaurlmappings

  51. publishitems

  52. setlocalsitedirectory

  53. import2

  54. setsearchcenter

  55. replacewebpartcontent

  56. enumeffectivebaseperms

  57. createwebapp

  58. deletewebapp

  59. exportlistitem

  60. importlistitem

  61. copylistitem

  62. deletelistitem

  63. setnavigationsettings

  64. enumprofileprivacypolicies

  65. setprofileprivacypolicy

  66. enumprofileproperties

  67. editprofileproperty

  68. exportlistfield

  69. importlistfield

  70. updatelistfield

  71. deletelist

  72. copylistsecurity

  73. updatelistview

  74. setsspacl

  75. createsearchscope

  76. updatesearchscope

  77. addsearchrule

  78. setauditsettings

  79. setusageanalysis

  80. adduser2

  81. adduserpolicyforwebapp

  82. addlistitem

  83. exportlistitem2

  84. movesite

  85. applytheme

  86. retargetgroupedlistingswebpart

  87. sitewelcomepage

  88. enumwelcomepages

  89. createcontentdb

  90. createsiteindb

  91. exportcontenttypes

  92. exportsitecolumns

  93. importsitecolumns

  94. setanonymousaccess

Monday, March 24, 2008

Microsoft SharePoint 2007 - SharePoint Branding Tool v1.6.0 (Custom tool for themes, masterpages, site logos...)

This is an update for this article.

I spent a few more hours trying to update the user interface and to make the tool a little easier to use.

Update 1: New options
The interface is more refined and has shortcuts to open the site directly from a context menu. New items in the "File" menu for easy access to SharePoint Theme files and folders.

Update 2: More Information at a glance
I've added an extra DataGrid View to show properties of the selected site or selected theme. This version also shows the theme preview.

Update 3: Easier to use interface
I've reduced the pop-ups and tried to bring is all together in the one window.


You can get the latest (v1.6.3) SharePoint Branding Tool here:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Microsoft SharePoint 2007 - SharePoint Branding Tool v1.5.1 (Custom tool for themes, masterpages, site logos...)

I got a little bored and a little sick at home, so I started finishing off some code I worked on with my colleagues Andrey Shchurov and Alexandre Bacchin (I'm no geek though).

This is meant to be a tool that will aid the Web Designer or the SharePoint Developer in applying look and feel to their SharePoint sites. It also doubles up as a great tool to update multiple SharePoint sites manually (including MySites).

This is how the tool looks like. You can select from a list of web applications, select the sites to apply changes, and then apply your theme! (If you've got lots of sites, that's ok, you can filter them by the site template the site uses)

It's got other features as well to quickly update your MasterPage URL, and your Applications MasterPage URL(CustomMasterUrl) as well:

So this is before the Theme application:

This is after. It doesn't only apply it for the top level site, but also did it for one of the child sites (which is 2 level below the above site):

Need to change the site logo and description for multiple sites? No problem:

Boom! In just a few seconds just took a few seconds...

And the Master Page URL? How does it work? Here's a screen shot:

After the update of the property via the code:

Not to mention, it also logs what it does in a text file, so it's easy to revert in case of mistakes. It's developed with .NET 2.0 and uses the SharePoint 2007 API, so it'll work with WSSv3 and MOSS2007.

The code doesn't have good naming conventions, but we'll leave that to be a to-do. For now, I've tested it enough to prove it works with no problems. Any suggestions of feedback, please post it on the codeplex page.

A newer version is available. More information here:

You can get the SharePoint Branding Tool here:

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Microsoft SharePoint 2007 - Silverlight Blueprint for SharePoint

I'd have to say this is pretty exciting stuff from Microsoft. Examples of implementation of SharePoint components using Silverlight! The most impressive blueprint is the social networking tool which sources its information from the User Profile that is ultimately imported from AD.

Impressive because, it surfaces the information in a very intuitive UI, and not only that, it also links back to the user's public "My Profile" page.

For more information, the Silverlight Blueprint for SharePoint site is: