Friday, May 11, 2007

Microsoft CRM 3.0 - Common URL Links

When adding new records in CRM, it could involve many clicks. So how can we simplify the steps involved in adding new records?

You can create Microsoft CRM records directly using the following links below (Assuming your CRM url is http://crm:5555):

- For Accounts: http://crm:5555/SFA/accts/edit.aspx
- For Contacts: http://crm:5555/SFA/conts/edit.aspx
- For Opportunities: http://crm:5555/SFA/opps/edit.aspx
- For Cases: http://crm:5555/CS/cases/edit.aspx
- For Products: http://crm:5555/Products/product/edit.aspx
- For E-mail: http://crm:5555/Activities/task/edit.aspx
- For Task: http://crm:5555/Activities/task/edit.aspx
- For Campaigns: http://crm:5555/MA/camps/edit.aspx
- For Custom Entities: http://crm:5555/UserDefined/edit.aspx?etc=[objectTypeCode]

Where [objectTypeCode] is the code for your custom entity. This number starts from 10000 and increments for each entity that is created.

The object type code can also be checked at:

These could potentially be bookmarked, placed in links lists with SharePoint, or on any other web page.

If you were to edit existing records, the following query string would be added to the URL of choice above:
For example,

GUID's are generated by CRM when a record is created. This value is stored in the CRM SQL database and can be retrieve via the query string when viewing a record in CRM.


mmansker said...

If you have a consultant that has been working w CRM's for 5 yrs. Developing them in VB 6 and custom designing them for customers. Would you believe he could easily pick up the MS CRM package from a technical standpoint? He has extensive VB.Net, ASP.Net and learning C#, so he is fluid in MS technologies.

I ask because I am recruiting and told we have to have someone w MS CRM experience and just wondering if that is necessary.


Douglas Leung said...

Hi mmansker,

There are a few modules of knowledge for Microsoft CRM namely: Customisation, Applications and Administration. Microsoft provides courses, course materials and exam to ensure that people are "certified" to perform their MS CRM implementations. If you do a search online I'm sure you'll find plenty of resources.

"Technical" standpoint is an ambiguous term. Are you referring to custom developed solutions for MS CRM, Customising CRM or....?

I would recommend this person to get himself/herself on a Customisation course and Administration Course to get up to speed with CRM 3.0 customisation.

Having those skills and knowledge (ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, etc) could help, however and understanding and mastering of JavaScript is important for certain customisations. Take note, that there are many best practices in MS CRM to learn. That’s why MS CRM consultants are in demand.


Dynamics 365 Solution Architect | Azure / ALM/DevOps | Power Platform said...

I would like to add one more line to Doug comments, people having knowledge of Windows services, it would be a great help for Integrating MS CRM with other Systems like VISMA ERP.
That’s one more reason why MS CRM consultants are in demand.


omlin said...

Good job. Thanks!!